Embroidery on glass
Every year the holidays at Villa Topi have their own highlight. For the final of 2023, we had decided to bet on the white-green range. With fresh fir branches and white poinsettias, things turned out beautifully and with ease.
For a gift to the house this year, we decided on a favorite Bulgarian artist “Favorites by Mimi”.
We also ordered 10 glass balls of different sizes and two bells for him to run wild and create whatever his heart desires and as he feels. We know very well, and it is immediately felt the moment you take these fragile creations in your hands, how much time, labour, and imagination is required to turn a glass ball into such a unique masterpiece.
Why is a new toy hung on the tree every year?
There is a belief that every year a new toy should be added to the Christmas tree at home. In this way, a family history is created, the echo of which keeps us safe. That’s why it doesn’t matter what toys we put.
Christmas and New Year’s decorations in Villa Topi
It is a great pleasure for us to own and keep hand painted Christmas balls from the artist “Favorite by Mimi”. This magic can create the variegated and red-haired lady with a wide smile, Maria. Life met us in a strange way for a short time, but even then I felt her as a person with a heart, an appreciator and able to enjoy and enjoy Life. As we saw during our meeting, “there is nothing by chance”.
The power of Bulgarian needlework
So much has been said and written about the power of embroidery, but still so little is known. One thing is certain, and I believe that every Bulgarian feels it, and that is that our Bulgarian sewing machines carry some hidden power and magic. A great deal of symbolism and hidden meaning are intertwined in them. They are so diverse that despite the hundreds or even thousands of vessels that have passed through Maria’s hand, she still manages to make your products unique and unrepeatable. And that is the magic of owning something handmade.
P.S. And finally, let me remind you that we are waiting for you to stay longer and admire the magical sunsets over Villa Topi.
Vila Topi prioritizes supporting #Bulgarian artists. For more inspiration and reasons to be proud of the talent of the Bulgarians, check out the category on our blog.
We will be glad to have you as our guests and to become part of your memories!
Villa Topi
A house that makes memories